Taking on the Daebak Ghost Pepper Spicy Chicken Noodle #CanOrNotChallenge Million Scoville
I throw down with ANOTHER spicy noodle challenge. Watch me take on the Daebak Ghost Pepper Spicy Chicken noodle challenge!!
Can I handle what has been called the spiciest noodle challenge on the planet?! Clocking in at a million scovilles can I handle the heat?
In this video I open up and prepare a bowl of Daebak Ghost Pepper Noodles and attempt to eat the whole bowl and withstand eating or drinking for 5 mins after the final bite.
Will I survive…Or will you witness a grown man cry!?
If you don’t have the time for the full attempt you can watch me try to eat the noodle in :90 below!
@jcradiosuperstar Watch me do the #canornotchallenge with the @daebaknoodles #GhostPepper Spicy Chicken Noodles! #whothefisjc #daebaknoodles #daebak
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