When someone offers you ringside tickets to the WWE Raw taping you f**king go and you boo the shit out of Drew McIntyre. Oh yeah…also tweet about your experience and let online wrestling blogs blow the details out of proportions!

My girlfriend and I had already sprung for some decent floor seats to check out the WWE Raw taping at LCA, but we were shocked when a friend of hers offered up their ringside tickets! I recommend checking out a sports entertainment event like wrestling from that close to anyone! It was a blast. Those guys are pros, I’m booing Drew McIntyre right in the face and he doesn’t even flinch.

Got some great shots of many of the WWE Superstars as you can see in the photo slide show below. Made it on to TV a couple times, can be heard during the Raw broadcast heckling Elias, spilled an $8 pop when Bobby Lashely was whipped into the wall right in front of us causing me to fall back, and was also able to fist bump Seth Rollins after his dark cage match agains Dean Ambrose.

I also got attention from a couple online wrestling blogs!

I got a giant sign printed up of just my face.  You know like the signs people have in the stands behind the hoop during basketball games…instead of a baby or celebrity face I got my own!

Now because of the side of the ring our seats where on and how close we were I was NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE MY SIGN!!! It was a bummer but I understand.  Now I tweeted about my sign being taken away and a wrestling blog ran with a story!

This is the story and the tweet that mentions me and my “WILD” sign being taken away.

Now I was also mentioned in another article about heckling Elias!

If you listen closely at the 1:07 mark you can hear me yell “ELIAS SUCKS AT GUITAAAAR!”