I can’t believe we’ve made this happen 7 weeks in a row! I’m super stoked to be able to keep doing these every week. Thank you to everyone who keeps showing up! I wish I could say I was getting better, you won’t believe how long I last this battle!

Here is the seventh battle known as the #ManthongThrowdown! A battle royale taking place inside the Realm Royale featuring 12 of the #ManthongMafia community plus myself all duking it out to become the hunk supreme!

Watch (mostly from my perspective) as J-Gonz_OTG, ODDMANOUTPROPS, PFNKIA, EraserBoy180, RyRy, Chzuck, ALACNARUBI, PerplexedEntity, Valiant Summer, tattooedcatlady, Lazloo_soot_1, and yours truly loot em up and shoot up until only one Hunk Supreme is left standing!

For more ridiculous commentary, mediocre game play and other nonsense visit: Twitch.tv/WHOtheFisJC