This episode of WTF Toy Connoisseur is all about the Toilet Paper Blaster Skid Shot!

Toy claims to launch wet toilet paper wads up to 30 feet in distance. Transforms real toilet paper into clean spitballs! Easy to clean up! Load toilet paper, fill the water tank, pull the trigger and blast away! Upgrade your boring old squirt gun fight to a spitball fight!

I really enjoyed this one!  Although it gets jammed up and drips water all over you and it’s specialty is making a mess, with enough work and a little patience you could be the dominant force in a squirt gun battle or when you’re taking that 30 foot spitball sniper shot at your office arch nemesis!

The price range for this one is $15-$25 and it’s definitely worth it for $15. I wouldn’t invest more that $20 myself in the toy.  With the manufacturer stating approx. 350 spitballs per toilet paper roll you could have an epic spitball fight in the making!