October 2nd thru Early December


Every Friday for 8-10 weeks a Realm Royale Battle amongst the MANTHONGmafia.

Competitors will compete head to head with the MANTHONG Mafia community in a Realm Royale match. The battle is open only to followers (or friends of followers) of the WHOtheFisJC Twitch channel (http://www.twitch.tv/whothefisjc

Each battle will be the last match of the weekly F**k S**t Up Friday streams on Twitch and will begin approximately at 6pm.  Sometimes the start will be slightly delayed due to the previous match going a little longer then anticipated. But the actual Manthong Throwdown match will NEVER start before 6pm.

Participants are encouraged to check into the stream before 6pm and let a designated mod know they are competing or by entering a predetermined bot command so that we can be sure we will have enough competitors to meet the custom lobby requirements. (12 competitors minimum)

The custom lobby will be created a few minutes before 6pm and the password for entry will be given out in the Twitch channel chat.  Once that happens competitors are welcome to start queuing for the match.  Instructions for how to access the custom lobby will be given during the stream if any players struggle with access.

Each battle will be recorded and edited into a YouTube playlist (http://www.youtube.com/whothefisjc) and possible IGTV series (https://www.instagram.com/whothefisjc/channel).


The competitor with the most points at the end of the season will be the winner.  Then each player with the next highest points will be 2nd, the next highest 3rd, etc. (In the event of a tie the player with the higher number of kills will get the better placing, in the unlikely event the kill counts are the same the player with most 1st place finishes will take the better placing.)


A set number of points will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finish each week. The points awarded as follows:

(1st) HUNK SUPREME – First place finish gets 3pts.

(2nd) Second place finish gets 2pts.

(3rd) Third place finish gets 1pt.

Kills will also earn a competitor points. Kill points are awarded as follows:

2 kills 1 point

3 kills 2 points

4 kills 3 points

5 kill+  5 points

Kills must be earned in the match, competitors can not combine kill totals from different matches…

For example a competitor must get 2 kills in a single match to get the 1 point.  They can NOT get 1 kill in a match then during a future match get another 1 kill to combine for the 2 Kill point award.

Competitors can score points both ways each match…For example if a competitor places in 2nd place and got 3 kills they get 4pts. for that week. 2 points for a 2nd place finish and 2 points for getting 3 kills.

All match stats will be taken from RealmTracker.com, current standings will be posted in discord ASAP post Throwdown.


Winner will be awarded a $200 cash prize (or cash gift card) and will have their name forever memorialized on a Manthong Throwdown trophy.

2nd place will be awarded $50 cash prize (or cash gift card)

3rd place will be awarded $25 gift card to a Fast Food restaurant of players choice.

Player with most kills will be awarded $25 gift card to Fast Food restaurant of players choice.

All current prizing is being provided by James, if anyone would like to donate prizing in exchange for mention during live stream and/or inclusion in YouTube videos please contact him taintmaster@whothefisjc.com


Realm Royale is free to play and available on all consoles and PC. This contest is open to players on all platforms. Players on Xbox, PS4, Switch, PC or any other way you can figure out how to get into the lobby without hacking are welcome. This will be open to all ages, however if a player that is under the age of 18 places in a position that awards a prize at the end of the season, I will need a parent or guardian to contact me to arrange claiming the prize.

All participants are asked to at the very least follow (or be friends of followers) of the WHOtheFisJC Twitch channel (http://www.twitch.tv/whothefisjc) The Throwdown is a way to give back to the twitch community in the form of interaction, entertainment, and prizes. If you participate please follow.

All participants will get a verbal shoutout (gamertag) to the start of the match as well as be included in an RIP credits scroll.


Every match has a bounty on WHOtheFisJC’s head. If you take out the self-proclaimed Mayor of Guntown and make him bow to you he will send you a “BAG-o-SWAG!”

You have to DM/whisper/contact him after the match to claim the prize. ONLY ONE BOUNTY CAN BE CLAIMED ON WHOtheFisJC per player per season. So the same players can’t keep purposely hunting him down.

Some matches will have bounty players or special guests. I’m working on getting some special players to participate some weeks and have an additional prize offered for someone who takes that special guest out. The player that takes out the special guest will have to DM/whisper/contact James after the match to claim the prize.


Every participant is encouraged to stream their battle on whichever platform they use or to record their battle. Then from that footage clip (if a Twitch user) highlights from their stream/battle. Moments like getting a kill/being killed and portions of the battle leading up to those moments being the most important. Share those links or links to download footage with James so that they can be included in the edited battle video. Even if you just share a link to the VOD with James that would be helpful.

Those that do participant in this way will get a link to a social media site or another URL of their choice to promote something that they would like to promote (it will have to be an appropriate URL. For example your OnlyFans link is a no go, but your ALL Links URL (where someone can find your OnlyFans is ok.))

Your name and link will appear in the YouTube and Instagram description as well in an RIP credits end scroll, and will appear under your name/gamer tag when it appears on screen (during a highlight/or perspective change).

Those that would like to participate in this way are also asked to fill out  this GOOGLE DOCUMENT and register so that James has the correct links and appropriate info when it comes time to edit the videos.

If there are any other questions or information needed please contact James directly through social media/email/or on discord.